Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Editors: Nina Eckhoff-Heindl and Véronique Sina

Title: Spaces Between

Subtitle: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics

Place: Wiesbaden

Publisher: Springer VS

Year: 2020 (Published online: July 17, 2020)

Pages: xviii + 200pp.

ISBN-13: 9783658301156 - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9783658301163 (ebk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | Representations: Comics


- Google Books (Limited Preview)

- SpringerLink (Restricted Access)


- Nina Eckhoff-Heindl, Institut für Medienkultur und Theater (Institute of Media Culture and Theatre), Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne) - Personal Website,

- Véronique Sina, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft (Institute of Theatre, Film and Media Studies), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Goethe University of Frankfurt)) - Personal Website,

  Preface (p. v)
Véronique Sina and Nina Eckhoff-Heindl
  1 Reproducing Inequality and Representing Diversity: The Politics of Gender in Superhero Comics (p. 1)
Carolyn Cocca
  2 Gendered Violence and Structures of Power. Reclaiming the Victim Narrative in the Netfix Show Marvel’s Jessica Jones (p. 17)
Juliane Blank
  3 Spider-Analogues: The Unmarking and Unmasking of White Male Superheroism (p. 35)
Jeffrey A. Brown
  4 My Noose Around that Pretty’s Neck: Meditations on Matt Baker’s Good Girls (p. 47)
Philip Crawford
  5 The Nude and the Naked: From Fine Art to Comics (p. 63)
Ann Miller
  6 Fragmented and Framed. Precarious ‘Body Signs’ in Comics by Regina Hofer, Ulli Lust, Barbara Yelin and Peer Meter (p. 79)
Marina Rauchenbacher and Katharina Serles
  7 Othering Voices and the Voice of the Other: The Depiction of Joseph Merrick in From Hell (p. 95)
Natalie Veith
  8 Dis/ability and Hybridity: The Bodies of Charles Burns (p. 109)
Jonas Neldner
  9 The Binary Comics of a Non-binary Artist: How Vaughn Bodé’s Identity Structured His Art (p. 125)
Romain Becker
  10 Branford the Best Bee in the World. The Socio-Culturally Imprinted Self of Anthropomorphic Bodies (p. 143)
Nina Eckhoff-Heindl
  11 “If only I’d had a nose job”. Representations of the Gendered Jewish Body in the Works of Aline Kominsky-Crumb (p. 161)
Véronique Sina
  12 Manga Aging: Grannies and Gutters (p. 175)
Jaqueline Berndt
  13 An Art of Loss (p. 187)
Tahneer Oksman

Description: » The contributions gathered in this volume exhibit a great variety of interdisciplinary perspectives on and theoretical approaches to the notion of ‘spaces between’. They draw our attention to the nexus between the medium of comics and the categories of difference as well as identity such as gender, dis/ability, age, and ethnicity, in order to open and intensify an interdisciplinary conversation between comics studies and intersectional identity studies.« (Source: SpringerLink)

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